Information for Participants

It's difficult to describe how amazing Spring Bank Camp is for the participants... but here what you can expect when you you're at camp.


Activity Session Times:

    Morning   Afternoon
Saturday   09:30 - 12:30   14:00 - 17:00
Sunday   09:30 - 12:30   14:00 - 17:00
Monday   09:30 - 12:30    

Available Activities:

  • Abseiling
  • Climbing
  • Archery
  • Air rifle shooting
  • Cross bows
  • Laser clay pigeon shooting
  • Arts & Crafts Village
  • Black Hole (Artificial Caving System)
  • Inflatables
  • Water jousting / knockout
  • Circus Skills
  • Crazy Golf
  • Fencing
  • Go Karts (Petrol)
  • Inflatable Assault Course
  • Large Assault Course
  • Mountain Bike Training + Skills Ride
  • Small Assault Course
  • Water Slide
  • Grass sledging
  • Trek cart races
  • Wipe Out "Big Red Balls"/li>
  • Backwards cooking
  • And more !

Events & Entertainments

As well as the walk-up activities, we also have a full programme of completition and evening entertainments in our marquee and marquee arena... so the fun doesn't stop at tea time!

E&E Session Times:

    Morning   Afternoon   Evening
Saturday   Competition   Competition   Stage Show + Camp Fire
Sunday   Competition   TBC   Disco in the Main Marquee
Monday   Competition        

Full details about the competitions will be sent to your leaders, a few weeks before the camp.

Copyright © Drum Hill Scout Camp | Derbyshire Scouts 2023. All rights reserved.